02 June 2010


An ordinary day, but I'm filled with the joys of the past days and recent memories. Relaxed and refreshed.

I stay home most of the day while CA does some errands and goes to his end-of-the-year teacher's picnic in Crystal Lake. I'm organizing and doing laundry, planning and scheming. I've invited RvH for lunch and the afternoon tomorrow, but it's soon clear that the clutter won't be conquered by then. She's a good friend.

The Loebelia in the planters on the deck curled up and dried while we were gone, so I plan a stop at Red Barn Nursery on my way to Yoga this evening. I also want some more geraniums and some basil.

CF can't meet for walking tonight, but I plan to walk alone for 15 or 20 minutes before Yoga at 6:15pm. I mis-calculate my timing and in the middle of a Skype call with DM's family in Bratislava I realize that I won't have time to stop at Red Barn and walk before Yoga. Oh well.

It's good to be back to my exercise routine, and tomorrow LL and I will meet at 8:15am for our twice weekly walk.

I decide to cut over to Caputo's after class to get the ingredients I need for tomorrow's lunch with RvH and check out the ravioli flavors--I'm determined to duplicate the squash ravioli dish I had at Mahi Mah's last week. I come close, finding pumpkin ravioli. This will work. I also get some steaks to pre-salt and cure for a day or two in the frig, like we heard repeatedly from chefs on Martha Stewart Sirius 112 during our travels. I get all the ingredients for John DeLucie's avocado salad. And, I'm so happy to find Caputo's still has the Project 7 water bottles. I love this outreach.

I'll confess... Dinner is two Baja Chicken Chalupas from Taco Bell. You can't mess with a craving.

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