03 June 2010

COOKING TIP: Red onions

Waverly Inn, NYC
Can't get a reservation unless you are somebody.

Avocado Salad at the Waverly Inn.
Ours was a better presentation. Next time I'll get a photo.

When CA and I heard Emeril's interview with John DeLucie, Chef at Waverly Inn, on Sirius' Martha Stewart channel last week while driving to the beach, DeLucie said that they always soak red onions in iced water for a bit. He said that it crisps them and eliminates the bite while preserving the flavor, and WOW! does it ever.

Such a wonderful tip! We made DeLucie's avocado, tomato, hearts of palm, and red onion salad (twice !!). We love it so much, and since the ingredients--particularly the whole hearts of palm--were pricey we didn't want anything to go to waste.

At lunch we serve it to RvH--she doesn't eat onion and I think she hides her hearts of palm in her napkin, so maybe this isn't the salad for her. I find a new version of LaBrea bread at Caputo's--you finish off the baking process at home for a truly fresh experience. And for dessert, fresh blackberries, blueberries, and red raspberries over a scoop of Fage Greek yogurt (Fab!), sprinkled with brown sugar.

Can't say enough about the Fage. So thick and creamy, and we use the 2% version. Today I stop at Jewel on my way home from the health club to buy more. I'm definitely finding more ways to eat this, and will spend some time on Fage's website. We're having more berries with Fage for our dessert tonight.

The red onions reminded me of childhood and my mother's penchant for peanutbutter and onion sandwiches. Yes, we mocked her mercilessly. Peanut butter was a staple in our home because it was cheap and went a long way (6 kids), and my dad was/is addicted. He'd have it virtually every day of his life, and does.

Today for lunch I make a peanutbutter, red onion, lettuce, and mayo sandwich on Health Nut bread. It is delicious. Not O.K. Not good. Not just great. Delicious! The red onions soaked in iced water put it right over-the-top.

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