01 June 2009


Such a great dinner! We have been hungry for Mexican food, and have lately concluded that our best Mexican comes from our own kitchen. I downloaded a rather complicated Baja Fish Taco recipe from an NPR segment, and then CA suggested we use the tortilla-encrusted tilapia filets already in our freezer. I had to think about it a bit, but then got real and figured how bad could they be? Obviously, my expectations were low, but it was a smashing meal!

We deep fried the filets for just a few minutes until the crust was crispy,and then drained them well on paper towels and flaked with a fork; we warmed flour tortillas in an iron skillet; and, we assemble the following toppings:

1. shredded green cabbage
2. avocado sauce [recipe below]
3. mayonesa sauce [recipe below]
4. salsa

First spread the avocado sauce on the warmed tortilla, then top with the fish chunks. Dollop on the mayonesa sauce and cover with shredded green cabbage and a generous amount of your favorite salsa. YUM!

Avocado Sauce
1 avocado, diced or mashed
2 tsp. or more of lime juice
pinch of salt
2 T. milk
Mix together until smooth.

Mayonesa Sauce
1/2 cup light mayonnaise
1 tsp. white vinegar
1-1/2 T. milk
Mix together until smooth.

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