11 August 2011


A terribly early flight out of Orlando. DM and I are on our way to the airport by 4:40am for my 6:20am flight. Everything goes without a hitch for me and DM gets to surprise his girls with doughnuts--something very American and not available in Central Europe. They're all four delighted.

Kenny drives me home in the Sunshine Taxi. it's a quiet ride until we're almost there and then we reconnect reminiscing about our earlier meeting last December when we rode home from O'Hare with Kenny and narrowly avoided disaster with our ice encrusted driveway and Kenny's runaway cab.

I am fried. Unfortunately the way I'm wired, it takes me an unspecified but long time to let go of what's gone before and to just look forward to what's ahead. I have to live with all the details, processing and reprocessing until it all falls away and I can conserve my mental and emotional energies for what's to come.

I've got 5-1/2 days to refocus, recenter, and regroup before flying to Omaha to see JE's family and new baby Levi Christopher. Today is a good start as I slide into a comfortable reading spot for the afternoon with some fresh-brewed iced tea and a fresh book. I leisurely, without much thought, manage to unpack and finish the laundry while feeling completely free and not-yet-ready to touch base with local friends.

CA brings home some food for dinner and I spend the evening with my book and some junk t.v. The perfect Rx for beginning recovery.

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