08 September 2011


After a power walk at HB with LL, I'm off to RvH's again this morning to help with cleaning and to deliver the biscotti, oatmeal cookies, and banana bread I've baked for her house guests. First, a quick stop at Caputo's and a second at TJMaxx. RvH needs to borrow a couple of bed pillows, and upon investigation I decide I need to buy two new ones to loan to her. My current supply is looking a bit aged. I will need the extra pillows repeatedly, and she just needs them for a few nights.


    Today we're focusing on cleaning the white-washed hardwood floors, but first we remake RvH's bed. LL has introduced me to the best bedskirt pins from Carol Wright Gifts (set of 8 for $4.99) and RvH's bedskirt billows like Marilyn Monroe's white dress in The Seven Year Itch. It's a synthetic material and prone to static cling. We secure the dust ruffle directly to the box spring upholstery, and voilà! C'est fine.

    We end up dusting and Windexing a bit, polishing up what she'd already begun. Her home is looking quite spiffy. Using my fantastic Bona mop, the floor takes just minutes and looks great. A clean, satin-like finish. We use the rubbing alcohol trick to remove some black heel marks. Just a few more chores and RvH is ready for her houseguests--it's the 50th reunion or her Proviso East high school class and three friends will stay 3 or 4 nights in her lovely home.

    I never leave RvH's empty handed--she always has magazines to pass on, and today she offers me a Chico's blouse that no longer fits her newly-svelte body. We don't have time for lunch today as the first group of guests is to arrive soon.

    A very good day--some exercise, helping a friend, and some time at home to sew and putter.

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