18 March 2014

Mixteco Grill



LA just got a big promotion which was announced yesterday. A well-deserved acknowledgement of her abilities and hard work--in the midst of dealing with her mom's health issues this year. And, she's a wife and mom to the irrespressible SG and irresistable RG. Since I'm in Chicago to help her mom (my sister JL), we decide to celebrate her accomplishments with a dinner out. LA knows I'll love Mixteco Grill--on the SW corner of Montrose and Ashland.

Haven't dined in Chicago since summer, because of various travels and then this winter's extreme snow and cold. And unlike years ago, we have many great restaurants closer. Tonight I realize that CA and I need to expand our horizons now that winter is passing. (Yes, it's officially Spring, but we still look out at this.)

The chef owner, Raul Aurreola, trained at one of our long-time favorites, Rick Bayless's Frontera Grill. He explains Mixteco on their website:

"Thank you, for taking the time to check our website. It’s a pleasure for us to share our dishes and recipes to you. In my 20 year experience in the kitchen, in particular, Mexican cuisine that is recognized by the UNESCO as a World Heritage, and my work experience in one of the best Mexican restaurants in the U.S., Frontera Grill; made me realize my passion up for food. That’s why I took the opportunity to open this restaurant and named it “Mixteco Grill.” Many of you would wonder or ask the meaning of Mixteco? To me, it was very important to find an easy meaningful name. Mixteco is a Oaxacan region and most an ethnic group. In my opinion, Oaxaca has the most delicious food of all Mexico, because it’s 100% authentic food that doesn’t have any other cuisine influences."

(directions and menu)













We love our meal, the ambience, and artwork.


This guy was above our table in the second room.


The Guacamole is particularly good and well presented--avocado chunks with tomato, cucumber, serrano peppers, cilantro, onion, and lime juice. The fine julienne of radish garnish is a fresh touch.


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