21 March 2014

Leek(ing) Memories

(image from Sharon Santoni)
Just seconds after reading this post on My French Country Home, I emailed MK, our beautiful and many-talented daughter-in-law.
"Our first visit to Slovakia. Our first trip to Dovalovo. You made something with leeks. It was very good. This recipe reminded me of meeting you and learning to love you. That first visit."

July-August 2000. DM had recently begun seriously dating MK. Seriously, because in traditional Slovak Christian homes a young man must ask permission of a young woman's parents to date her. To date her with intent.

When DM first became enamoured of the intelligent and gorgeous MK he had more than a few hurdles to overcome besides winning her attention and heart. She was a student involved with Campus Crusade he was a newish staff member. He had to ask his director for permission to date her. She is 6-1/2 years younger than him--almost the exact age of his little sister. They barely spoke the same language--he a bit of Slovak; she a bit more English.

Then, there was the initial approach--would she consider dating him? He asked. She said, Áno. He heard No. She meant Yes. And still, he had to ask her father.

On their wedding day--December 28, 2002--DM made notes, a script really, for the order of service. Next to the marriage pronouncement he wrote And the angels sing.

11+ years and 3 gorgeous little girls later, the angels are still singing.


All this because Sharon Santoni wrote a post about leeks. Thank you, Sharon.


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