JL and I just have too many tasks undone. We are squeezing all we can into each day, but there are only so many hours and we have only so much energy... JL remembers that our cousin BZ is free today. JL invited her to join us for a meal or an adventure during my visit, but she is an ER doc and was on duty the past few nights. JL gives her a call and we determine that she will join us for dinner on the porch--promises of conversation, laughter, and some perfect Chicago-style pizza.
I have a hankering for cinnamon rolls this a.m. and while JL is outside tending to her estate, I plunder the frig and find a can of Pillsbury. Who knew! I shower and JL scrambles some eggs and slices some bananas and strawberries. We can barely drag ourselves away from the gorgeous morning on the porch overlooking the lake.
I forgot to mention that yesterday there were swans gliding by. They live in the cove further along the lake and only come down this far before high season when the boats and lake toys overtake the serenity.
It is again early afternoon by the time we hit the road. Our first stop is Key Blooms--JL's local nursery. They're offering 20% off to existing customers and 30% off on the pansies. Their display is voluptuous. It is fun being here early on a Friday as there are just a few customers and we can ask as many questions as we have and also wander effortlessly through the rows and rows of stunning plants. I buy a huge shocking pink geranium already planted with spirea and vinca. And, I get this funny green plant that looks more scitzo than manic--Spiral Rush. And, I find some gorgeous red and green Caladium, miniature violets, and a lovely, dainty Diamond Frost which will spread and mound and bloom until frost to add to the pale pink Forget-Me-Nots that I bought at Horrocks on Wednesday.
We drop the plants at home and then head to the lawn and garden store with JLs porch cushions, intending to find replacements. We learn that new fabrics are due in soon and that all manufacturers custom-make the replacements. Sounds like an expensive endeavour and JL remembers that a neighbor is doing upholstery and making replacement cushions, so we head over to the other side of town and Hobby Lobby.
JL finds a beautiful tapestry fabric to consider for her sofa re-uphostery, and I limit myself to some more popcorn boxes. I check out the robin's egg blue linen fabric I am envisioning for the second wingback chair and again confirm it's loveliness.
By the time we head back to Indian Lake it is almost 5:30pm and BZ is due at 6:00pm. Clueless, we end up following her white SUV up the road and just before turning into the driveway realize that BZ is early and we are late. We intended to clear the kitchen table and spruce up a bit. We are all family and have seen each others houses in good order many times, so we relax and begin the evening.
JL produces a spectacular spinach salad while BZ and I snack on crackers in the sleeve and cheeses dumped into the middle of the muddle on the table. We laugh as we are very Martha in most cases--tending toward orchestrating presentation. The snacks taste just as good and it is fun to not care. We eventually end up on the porch for the salad. JL wisely set her timer to remind her when to pick up the pizza. The pizza is everything a pizza should be and many times isn't. The crust is delectable and the tomato sauce (while JL says it comes straight out of an industrial size can) is perfect. The toppings are good, but who cares once you get the perfect crust and tomato sauce in the mix.
About 8:30pm I wander inside to organize my belongings and give CA a call. I am leaving in the morning. I consider sneaking off to bed--the usual effect from a glass or two of wine--but know that is just too rude. BZ leaves before 9:30pm and JL and I spend a few minutes cleaning up the kitchen and porch. By 9:30pm I am up the stairs and into bed; a few minutes with the rabbit book.
The winds are strong tonight and lulling. I consider closing the windows in my room and the bathroom, but hate to miss out on the sounds of the night and the cool and soothing breezes.
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