How fun to see a brand new baby so fresh from God just one hour after birth. LE came with a full head of fuzzy hair that looks light brown, but could even turn blonde... She is perfect. Her other grandma DS is so, so happy to have a little girl in the family even if she is not named Stephanie or Sarah.
We are busy with lots of visitors and errands. Grandpa flew in on Saturday a.m. and thinks LE is beautiful. All three of his granddaughters are beautiful, and he claims no prejudice at all. JA is suddenly seeming very mature. He's still my squishy little guy, but his activities are bolder and louder than ever before. He is a born drummer which pleases his Uncle, the professional drummer, to no end.
Babies are only so small and brand new for a short time, so we intend to treasure each moment. It's always amazing how quickly and quietly time flies when you are cradling a new little one to your chest and inhaling the sweet, sweet aroma.
So we will continue to cook and to cuddle, interspersed with running and jumping and marching and trips to the park in these warm and sunny March days leading up to the real spring.
1 comment:
Yay! I was wondering about our newest little one! Please hug her for me & kiss her sweet little cheek.
When are you due back here?
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