When LG was small our son and daughter-in-law would step out onto the terrace of their flat in Bratislava to peek into LG's window--which worked beautifully in the early days of her climbing out of bed and roaming her room. However, one night when they peeked in, LG had her hands to the glass and was peeking back at them...
Anyway, one of my assignments during this two-week visit to Omaha is to make the curtain for LE's window. JE chose the fabric a few days ago and as usual I procrastinate until almost the last minute, but manage to complete the task in just over an hour this evening [after a 5 hour! afternoon nap--for me, not LE or JA]. The end result is smashing, even if I do say so myself. JE chose a very pink fabric--pink on pink--that is not overwhelming because it hangs in the creamy white stairwell.
Beginning to think that LE needs pink panels on all 7 of the windows in her room, so I plan a last minute trip to the fabric store before hitting the Interstate and heading home in the morning. JE has hung creamy white drapes on all windows, but even though they are insulated the light still glows through. An additional girly-girl printed panel will keep out the rays of sunshine and tiny LE can snooze peacefully away, no matter the time of day.
JA and I have bonded. He is a charmer--likes silly songs and marching about. I'll miss the little ones but grandpa is home alone and it is time for me to get back to work. Hopefully, a few lazy days at home before the agency calls.
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