13 October 2008


The quickest way to get downtown from 4600 north is definitely the El, but I persist in taking the Clarendon-LaSalle Express Bus. It rides along Lakeshore Drive and you get to appreciate the Gold Coast and everything along Lake Michigan.

When I started temping in the City, I determined that each time I walk across the Madison or Monroe or Adams Street bridge over the Chicago River I would stop, take a deep breath, smile, and appreciate the skyline. This is supposed to be an adventure, after all. The smiles come easily so far. I love the walk from the train on days I commute from the suburbs.

There are so many sights--landscaping, architecture, people, shops, etc. Today I went shopping at Carson Pirie Scott before 8:00am! It is chilly here mornings, so I added a cashmere scarf to today's ensemble. A natty touch. Styling. And, it will go great with the new coat just waiting in the wings for the first bite of Jack Frost.

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