29 November 2008


Club Mougins - Mougins, Provence, France

I wake early and stiff. and so head out for a walk along the still dark streets of Nice in search of an early opening café or boulangerie. After a brisk 30 minutes I locate a take-out espresso bar and then just around a corner and a boulangerie where I find a mixed nut sable for Chris and quiche Lorraine for me. Just around the next corner is our hotel.
SN1 and SN2 are to meet us at the Nice Garden Hotel. As arranged, we have high-range walkie talkies to communicate, and just after noon we connect and are on our way to Mougins. We have maps, but our ace in the hole is Maggie, the British expat GPS.

A bright and sunny morning turns overcast as we begin our short journey to Mougins. We travel through a series of roundabouts following Maggie’s instructions-- right turns and left, and one jaunt winding uphill then down through almost too narrow lanes. Maggie seems to be having fun with us. And then, the final climb and we are at Club Mougins.

At check-in we find we have two hours until we can take possession of our villa, so we walk down the winding hill, through a lovely garden to a small Italian café and enjoy a leisurely meal. After, we cross to a grocery store and somehow leave with mostly chocolate and wine…

Villa #805 is high on a hillside, up a series of outdoor staircases. Guess what we find just inside the door? One more staircase! Worth it all when we see the size and ambiance of our home for this week. Nestled into a hillside, it is large by European standards with 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, and a roomy open-plan kitchen and lounge. We have a corner terrace that overlooks undulating hills sprinkled with Provençal villas and blooming gardens—spectacular even in the rain.

SN1 and SN2 hang on until 6:30pm and then succumb to the gods of jetlag. CA and I settle in with our books and also find two English language cable channels. Our “In the Know” packet claims we have an Internet connection, but… Not too late, we shower and climb into our king-sized bed—luxurious w/ soft, white bed linens and 6! fabulous pillows. We will sleep well tonight in Provence. Bonne nuit.

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