30 November 2011


Just a couple of days before our Thanksgiving trip to Central Illinois, JE's family found out that MA had a business trip to Cincinnati--for his exciting new job--and that the family was invited along. So, they left GG's on Saturday morning to drive east instead of west to Omaha. The unexpected part of that news was that on their return trip to Omaha they planned to go a bit out-of-the-way and spend a couple of nights with us. We'd had no plans to be together after Thanksgiving until mid-January for JE's birthday.

4-1/2 year-old JA, 2-1/2 year-old LE, and 4 month-old LC arrived around 5:00pm and we are delighted. Over-the-moon happy. Joy filled.

We will giggle and laugh rambunctiously, cook and eat with gusto, and squeeze in as many hugs and kisses as is humanly possible. We'll delight in their witticisms; rejoice in their joie de vivre.

It's all good...

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