19 February 2011


I've lost so many objects this past year--two favorite scarves (actually three, but I found one last winter hanging up for sale with no tag at TJ Maxx and was able to convince them it was mine!), a very expensive keyless entry for the BMW, RvH's Christmas gifts and my lovely Vespa scooter keyring, my current cellphone charger... This is so painful, that I won't list any more.

Mine was navy. Sigh-h-h...

What is it? At least it's not my memory, yet! I was actually very aware of my new and expensive (although way-on-sale) Ralph Lauren navy cashmere scarf when we were traveling to New Orleans, taking care to note where I put it and making sure I had it on my neck after every stop for food or restrooms. I am convinced that I left it folded neatly on the backseat of the car when we arrived in New Orleans, but it's gone, gone, gone.

CA is very tolerant and dives full-on into helping me search for the lost items. For the BMW key, he actually dug through several bags of days-old garbage in the garage in the heat of the summer. Replacing it, eventually, was very expensive.


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