29 June 2011


Lifetime learning. Do it. On a regular basis I try to learn something new, try something different, go somewhere far.

Today a long-time friend and I took the digital photography class in Chicago. We learned about f-stops, apertures, ISO, light metering, boca, and more. We listened; we observed; we took fledgling steps.

Obviously, I need to improve my photography. I love illustrating blog entries with personal photos. I've got the camera; I need the skills.

I can't say I walked away from today as a better photographer, but I now understand the terminology. I've repeatedly found my way to the settings and controls on my Canon EOS T3. I'm going to practice and then I'm going to read over my notes and practice some more. I'm going to read other sources and practice some more.

Practice. And, I'm going to have to make a personal commitment to avoid point-and-shoot, taking the time to prepare and experiment.


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