1. One player builds the tower on a flat, sturdy surface by using the loading tray as shown below. Place three blocks in each layer, at right angles to the previous layer. When you finish you'll have a solid, 18-story tower that can more than double during play!
2. Use the loading tray to set the tower upright Then carefully slide the tray away, and put it aside.
3. Remove one block at a time from the tower, and stack it on top. The last player to stack a block without making the tower fall wins the game, or...
Life change is hard, but I willing entered this tunnel of chaos just over one year ago. I didn't work for 8 - 9 months--traveled, rested, created, grandma'd, and just healed from the workplace turmoil. I don't talk about it any more even to close friends. I have processed everything. I really just stayed too long--it is like the game "Jenga." The last piece went on the pile and it all fell apart and I knew that I needed to get away to remain healthy and whole.
It was really John Ortberg's fault because I listened to one of his messages--he said that we are afraid of risk and many, many times stay in situations that no longer work for us just because we are afraid of the unknown. And, that God is in charge and we should take the risk, make the move, step out and trust God to not only catch us, but to lead us on better pathways where we can fully experience his love as we rely wholly on him. I am working again, but very intermittently. I take jobs on contract in Chicago--I ride the train. I treasure my down time and have gotten very busy with my blog, creative projects, traveling, friends, cooking and baking, etc. I am more of an introvert than ever, but still stimulated by social interactions! I love my quiet time and being alone in my home--sometimes I am home for several days at a time and that is no hardship!
God and I are doing just fine--smashingly, actually! We have attended services at various churches, but for much of this last year I have listened online or just walked quietly with God... Our small group has been together for about 13 years now, so that is a big part of our church community experience.
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For because of our faith, He has brought us into this place of highest privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to actually becoming all that God has had in mind for us to be.Romans 5:2Life Application Bible