
07 November 2009


Don't think it's the H1N1 virus, but I confer with the doctor to be sure. Thursday night I notice a very sore throat just before bed, and when I awake Friday I am also achy, very achy... Good thing I've no pressing responsibilities. None.
The house was cleaned for Wednesday's guests and CA is very low maintenance as far as meals. If I cook he is full of compliments and appreciation, and if I don't he's open to whatever. Whatever on Thursday night being wonderful hamburgers from Tommy's. Friday night I have a taste for peanut butter and jelly on fresh, multi-grain bread with a side of salty Ruffles. Fine with him.

Id such grand plans for Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Dr. McD is very practical and pragmatic--if I'm sicker don't be around the little girls and pregnant MK (Sunday) or the squishy little guy and his beautiful baby sister (Monday - Friday). The swine flu symptoms are high fever, bad cough, very sore throat, achy body... I don't have the high fever or bad cough. Probably just the garden variety of cold.

I'm determined to get to IKEA today as JE has emailed a list of TROFAST storage elements that will cure her cluttered nest. She is anticipating Christmas $$, and since we are driving to Omaha and she won't be here and near an IKEA, this is the best opportunity. I love being a personal shopper.

We plan to take the ingredients from Joseph's to make Monster Tacos at JE+MA's. Yum! And, we have Hawaiian surprises for TSLG and HBBS. During most of our recent phone conversations, JE and I have been talking Christmas presents, and I plan to do some serious shopping for all the little ones while in Omaha.

Still loving After You've Gone by Jeffrey Lent, and very excited to read his backlist. I find his writing style stilted, but believe it's intentionally so...

Indian Summer continues and I am determined to be out and in it a bit today.

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