
22 November 2009


Club Mougins

I actually read Sunday's paper on Sunday! Then CA and I spend a good bit of the morning looking at timeshare deals on eBay... Thoughts on that are pending.

We love our Marriott week, but think that it would be good to have a timeshare in Mougins, France and/or somewhere driving distance from home. There's a bit of a phenomena going on these days due to the economic downturn. You can buy timeshares on eBay for $1.00 to get the title, and then take on responsibility for the annual maintenance fees. Sweet deal.

The day flies by while some plans go by the wayside and some new plans develop. We go out to the movies late afternoon and see Pirate Radio--a Richard Curtis flick. It's fun, it was slow, it's silly, it's entertainment. And, we are entertained. Don't think RC was aiming for Oscar consideration.

The NY strip steak that was thawing for dinner is now securely wrapped and in the frig for tomorrow's dinner. Chipotle is just steps away from the theater and it's nearing 7:00pm.

JS and I planned to walk at Moraine Hills, but she had unexpected guests arrive at her home. She also drove by the park entrance on her way home from church and for some reason it's closed. We'll regroup for tomorrow or Tuesday.

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