
27 November 2009


No shopping for us today. We do not contribute to the retailers' hopes of climbing out of the red... Our family gathers at our hotel for a group breakfast before LFW's family heads back to New Orleans. Sad to see them go; sad for them to go. The rest of us adjourn to the pool where the bigger little ones swim and play while LE has a nap in grandma and grandpa's room.

JA has been shy of the water in the past, but today MA seduces him into the pool and soon he is barreling off the edge and loving every minute of it. KF and LG are old hands, and giggle at DM's shark attacks.

By 11:00am we are ready for those Thanksgiving leftovers and drive back to Gigi's house for lunch. There's nothing better than T'day leftovers! DM and I go for a walk with KF in the stroller--hoping she'll sleep, and she does. It's a gorgeous sunny day after two overcast and dripping days.

We're due at Great Grandpa's in Peoria at 3:00pm and are hoping for some downtown Christmas activities. The Santa parade was this morning, but between the swimming and naps it didn't end up to be a realistic option. GG lives in a retirement high-rise where there are elevators to ride and buttons to push. JA serenades us all with his ukulele playing, and the girls basically climb over everything.

By the time we leave Great Grandpa's (and I'm sure they were ready to have us all leave!) it's getting dark and the only activity in the courthouse square are the ice sculptors. We drive on by and visit Aunt PM and Uncle MM. They have lots of grandbabies, so there are lots of toys for our four little ones to enjoy.

Then, it's back to Gigi's for chili con queso and chili verde, a few more Turkey Shooters, and an earlier bedtime tonight.

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