
Summer Wanes

Since somewhere near the end of July, online bloggers and Instagrammers have been eluding to Autumn, Fall, fallen leaves, Halloween and Thanksgiving. Come on! 

August is like the Sunday of Summer

Mellow into it; quit disappearing the best part of Summer. Cooler nights. Hazey mornings. Voluptuous blossoms. Sweet corn. Vine-ripened tomatoes. We're doing our part here in Northern Colorado. 

Tortellini salad. TDF. Smoked Gouda-garden tomatoes-red onion-tortellini-pepperoni-basil-lite mustard vinaigrette. 

Panzanella. Perfection. Late summer in a bowl. 

We're focused on good health and mostly-healthy eating. Workouts 3x a week, eating fresh food at home most days, restorative sleep, family time. Walking to restaurants, church, health club, shopping. It's truly a pleasure.

We've slowed down on the variety of travel in exchange for our tiny, rental flat here in Fort Collins. So many great family times. Being here has made the small moments important. Days and moments to cherish. 

07 August 2016

Mary, Mary how does your garden grow?

Well, our Illinois garden is thriving by all reports. We have someone watering and watching. Here, we've just begun. D+M brought my hanging pots with them on Friday.

So far, I've used basil for Caprese Salad and a bit of dill in the Chicken Salad Lettuce Wraps. Planning a favorite Tortellini Salad for later in the week.

We've been enjoying the Fort Collins Farmers Markets--Old Town and the Drake Road. Today I stumbled upon the Harmony Road Sunday Market but my errands were in another direction. 

Well have our first overnight guests this weekend. Exciting for us. Our daughter and husband, J+M, are coming from Omaha with the Fun Kids. We've been gathering ideas for small adventures and meals. There's just too little time. Patience. 

So, besides calorie counting and seriously working out... I'm in a circuit training class. (Insert belly laughs.) By mistake. I actually went in-person to register for a Monday morning stretch yoga class. The first session was both confusing and scary for me.

At one point early on I explained to the Trainer that because of back issues I only speed walk and practice Yoga. He said, "Well then Marielle why did you sign-up for this class?" As I was sleep-deprived and confused, I just looked at him. He proceeded to teach me how to use each piece of equipment. I was still thinking Yoga was somehow involved... So, when he indicated that everyone would return to the mat room in about one minute I piped-up, "Oh! For a cool-down time." 

He and I weren't on a different page, we were reading entirely different books! And, mine was in a foreign language. I decided to stay in the class--8:30am Monday and Wednesday. 

I also walk on the indoor track 2x a week and I did find a more-challenging than planned Yoga class.