
15 January 2016

Traveling and Birthdays

After almost four years of travel to/from Cincinnati, we're in the middle of our last visit. In the beginning of February, our Cincinnati Fun Kids are moving back to Omaha--where all three of these grandchildren were born. They barely remember their lives there--JA is concerned that there are no NFL or MLB teams in Omaha.

We make sure that we get one more Tenderloin from Sahm's, in Fishers, IN. That's been our lunch stop many times as we've traveled toward Cincinnati. This version is the closest to the one we loved for decades at Hunt's in Peoria.

We're here to celebrate JE's birthday and to stay with these Fun Kids while MA and JE explore the Bourbon Trail near Louisville. What the Napa Valley is to wine, Kentucky is to whiskey.

In Colorado, it's also KF's birthday, and because it's a school day, her family makes an early morning visit to Silver Grill for cinnamon rolls. Kika is 8 today! So hard to believe. She's beautiful, artistic, musical, smart, and sensitive. Her smile lights up the room.

I remember so well visiting in Slovakia when she was just three weeks old; cuddling her on my chest for hours while LG danced and spun around us. Mary Poppins was LG's favorite at the time, and she'd enlist grandpa's help to fly her and her umbrella across the room.

NJ was born just two weeks before KF's second birthday; their family was staying at our home in Woodstock. We celebrated both KF and JE's birthday together that year. Kika had fallen in love with a stuffed bear who could sing the ABC song; so, she soon had those memorized.

Today she's in second grade at a top charter school. She takes life seriously, works hard, and is good at just about everything. We love you Kristina Faith.

Here in Cincinnati, we spend our Fun Kids time on Friday at Newport on the Levy seeing Norm of the North and enjoying our last Dewey's Pizza, which we're really going to miss. Great pizza!

Saturday is a laid-back morning, then some shopping and errands. The Fun Kids play well together, and there's plenty of time for crafts, a big puzzle, and Star Wars Monopoly. We're all happy with the pace of today. For a treat (?!), the Fun Kids get playtime and dinner at the nearby McDonald's.
We decide to stay for Sunday, and get a chance for more chocolate cake, CA's spaghetti sauce, and a bit of time with JE and MA. As retired people, we can be flexible about our travel schedule.